Oh hey, birth coach

The journey to have a baby is full of unknowns and can be overwhelming.

How do you know where to start?

How do you know what to ask?

What do you prepare?

My goal is to be by your side, not only during labor, but prepare you and your partner during pregnancy for what to expect and to set you up well for the transition to postpartum life. You shouldn't have to go into this experience blindly, so I'm here to hold your hand.

Doula Support

Birth Support

 How do I know if hiring a doula is right for me?

  • I'm having my first child

  • I'm hoping for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)

  • My previous birth(s) was traumatic

  • I get overwhelmed with decisions and options

  • I function better with calm, peaceful surroundings

  • I want an all natural birth with no/limited interventions

  • I want to have my baby at home or labor at home as long as possible

  • I'm not sure how my partner will handle supporting me and I want him to be by my side

  • My partner feels helpless when it comes to pregnancy, labor, and postpartum

  • I'm not great at researching, but I still want to be informed and prepared

  • I want more support than just my partner

  • I don't have much of a support system after baby comes

If several of these apply to you, a doula is an addition to your birth team that you won't regret!


After our prenatal visits, you and your partner will know:

  • How to make informed decisions and ask questions to your provider so you learn all of the risks and benefits

  • Ways to work together during labor, giving your partner specific tasks to be helpful and present

  • Labor positions to keep your body moving and progressing

  • Coping techniques for the pain

  • All of your options for pain relief, interventions, and new baby procedures

  • How to create a postpartum sanctuary plan to help you heal and ask for support from your community

  • What to expect practically and logistically when it comes to: signs of early labor, what happens to your body during each stage of labor and after baby arrives, bodily functions and fluids to expect, what a hospital birth/interventions will look like, how involved your nurses and provider will be during labor, how to care for your healing body after birth